donderdag 20 december 2007
Web 2.0 summit 2007
Where are the greatest opportunities, and the greatest risks? At the Web's edge—the places where the Web is just beginning to take root: the industries, geographies, and applications that have yet to be conquered by the Web's wide reach.
For the past three years, the Web 2.0 Summit has explored ideas which have already begun to slip into the mainstream. This year, we'll highlight news from unusual suspects—the enthusiasts and dreamers touching the edges of spaces not yet conquered by the Web, as well as established players who are looking to expand into new and previously unimaginable realms.
How is the Web infiltrating new beachheads in areas we never thought it could—or would? What are the majors doing at the edge, at the loony "twenty percent time" at Google, in the labs at MSN, IBM, etc., that might inform entirely new applications, opportunities, even threats? What are the edge startups promising to redefine the center? What are the things we wish or know the Web can do, but so far, is failing us? What are the edges in terms of policy, politics, and morality? Bericht publiceren
Learn More about Web 2.0 Summit...
maandag 17 december 2007
Business aspects of social software and collaboration
Web 2.0, social software, blogs, wikis, instant messaging. New tools and new ways of approaching communication and coordination among customers, suppliers, and partners. Software to help companies share information has been around for more than 15 years. How do the new tools intersect with existing ones? How can you best leverage new technologies for faster time-to-market and increased customer satisfaction? What is the role of security in an increasingly open supply-chain communication system? We'll examine these questions and talk about current and future technologies and trends.
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From: edbrill, 1 year ago
zaterdag 15 december 2007
Web 2.0 Video Search Engine Sproose
dinsdag 11 december 2007
Power of Google
The Social Control van Google komt heel goed naar voren in dit filmpje.
Does Google really worry about our privacy?
Tim O'Reilly: Graphing Social Patterns Conference Keynote
I'm at the Graphing Social Patterns conference in San Jose again today. I'm covering the event for Read/WriteWeb and doing a few interviews for Read/WriteTalk. This morning, Tim O'Reilly gave the 'developer keynote' for the conference. The presentation hit on three basic themes:
- Background on O'Reilly Media
- A Web 2.0 Refresher
- What I Want from the Social Graph?
Tim started off by talking about the idea that "new technologies first exploited by hackers, then entrepreneurs, then platform players." A few good examples were the move toward adoption of universal WiFi access or webservices from network wifi groups and screen scraping hacks respectively.
Facebook Report
Tim referenced the report on Facebook that O'Reilly Radar just released. You can see our coverage here. Basically, O'Reilly has been aggregating usage data from Facebook for a few months. They also normalized the data after Facebook shifted from reporting number of installs to true engagement. The most important finding from the report is that 87% of usage goes to 2% of applications. In other words, the Long Tail is not in effect for Facebook applications yet. Tim went on to segment this finding across different categories of applications, but it was consistent across all categories.
A Web 2.0 Refresher
Tim started by joking about the overuse of the term 'Web 2.0'. However, he felt it was important to offer a refresher on web 2.0 in light of the discussion on the "social graph" (see our explanation of the term here). He said that really web 2.0 is ultimately about "systems that harness the network effect to get better the more people who use them." In other words, it is about building 'collective databases.' He cited a paper by Dan Brickland entitled 'The Cornucopia of the Commons: How to get volunteer labor' (Dan was creator of the first spreadsheet Visicalc), which cites 3 Ways to Build Collective Databases:
- Organized Manual: Pay people (ex: Yahoo! Directory)
- Volunteer Manual: Get volunteers (ex: Wikipedia)
- Organized Mechanical: Architect systems to get smarter automatically (ex: P2P)
Harnessing Collective Intelligence
Tim commented that "every true web 2.0 company is building a database whose value grows in proposition to the number of participants -- that is, a network-effect-driven data lock-in - with accelerating returns to winners." Tim repeated his oft-quoted claim that the Google Page Rank algorithm was the first Web 2.0 application. He also pointed to some recent examples, like Wesabe and Mint doing this in the Personal Financial Services space.
Facebook Can Be Doing Better
Next Tim transitioned to how he felt FaceBook could do better leveraging collective intelligence. He focused on the confirmation questions that Facebook requests, while that data is already available on the web. For example, he talked about friend requests from employees when data on the web already confirms they are employees. Also, O'Reilly Authors have requested to friend him and Amazon already shows they are friends. The fact this data exists is something we've explored reguarly with our coverage of the Semantic Web.
Questions you should be asking?
Tim wrapped up this section of his presentation by reviewing five questions that everyone should be asking:
- Am I doing everything I can to build applications that learn from your users?
- Does my application get better with more users, or just more busy and more crowded?
- If "Data is the Intel Inside" of Web 2.0, what data do I own?
- What user-facing services can I build against it?
- Does my platform give me and my users control, or take it away from us? (note: I personally spoke about this at the Always On Conference)
Conclusion -- What I Want from the Social Graph
Finally, Tim discussed what he believes we really want from social graph data:
- I want it to reflect my REAL social relationships (mine my phone and email)
- I want it to help me manage those contacts (how to reach them, updated status)
- I want to manage groups of people
- I want it to recognize asymmetry in relationships
- I want fine grained control over what I see and what I ignore. For example, he talked about wanting to see his daughter's flickr photos but not other updates.
- I want to discover interesting people and express the actual relationship.
What do you think? Is this what you want from your social graph data?
LinkedIn vernieuwd
Met een compleet vernieuwde site en een op maat gesneden nieuwsdienst wil Linkedin een Mekka voor professioneel netwerken op poten zetten, zo is te lezen op de site van ZDNet. Verder zijn ook applicaties van buitenaf welkom, maar de Facebook-achtige speeltjes houden ze liever buiten de deur.
LinkedIn, dat al meer dan 17 miljoen gebruikers telt, stelt de vernieuwde homepage vooralsnog alleen in bètaformaat beschikbaar.... lees meer bij
A Literature Review on Social Media
From: wah17
A Literature Review on Social Media. A compilation of social media thoughts from the experts point of view. Produced by Alex Wong from Charles ... less Sturt Uni, Australia. Can be contacted via email
Best Social network websites
From: faberNovel, 1 week ago
This document provides a general background for understanding social network websites and the study of online matchmaking websites and business network websites
This study is only the first step. Distributed under creative commons license, it should be completed and improved through the contribution of external experts, firms and web users as major moves in the industry are expected to occur in the coming months
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Web 2.0 achtergronden en business modellen
Presentatie Web 2.0 (oktober 2007)
From: bartvandermeij, 1 month ago
Presentatie voor Syntens Groningen over de achtergronden en business modellen van Web 2.0
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Visie MarketingMonday op de commerciële strategie 2.0
Presentatie MarketingMonday
From: marketingmonday, 6 months ago
Visie MarketingMonday op de commerciële strategie 2.0
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Trends rondom web 2.0 en social computing
Vincent Everts December presentatie
From: vincente, 6 days ago
Trends rondom web Web1.0 en de overgang naar Web2.0. Social networks, communicatie en marketing 2.0.
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Online reisportalen in heftige concurrentie
In de strijd om de bezoeker en de reizende consument mengt zich sinds 5 december ook, een web 2.0 georiënteerde reissite.
Meer info is te vinden op de site van ITcommercie.
Bron: ITcommercie
Reisindustrie is prominent aanwezig op internet
Emerce (01-12-07)
De reisindustrie is nadrukkelijk aanwezig op internet. De nieuwe mogelijkheden van het web zoals consumer generated content, delen van multimedia en onderlinge interactie hebben met betrekking tot de reiswereld geleid tot een nieuwe term: travel 2.0.
Het woord `travel` is na `porno` het populairste transactiedomein op internet. In het afgelopen jaar werd in Europa 38 miljard euro uitgegeven aan online boekingen, aldus onderzoeksbureau Eye For Travel. Het betreft 15% van alle reisboekingen. Dit jaar groeit het bedrag naar verwachting tot 47 miljard euro, oftewel 18% van de totale markt. In 2008 komt het bedrag naar verwachting uit op 55 miljard euro, oftewel 21% van de totale markt. Ook een aanzienlijk deel van de boekingen die via fysieke reisbureaus worden gedaan, wordt beïnvloed door online oriëntatie en zoekgedrag.
Een van de problemen van interactie op internet is dat het al snel leidt tot ruzies, ongewenste promoties, betweterij, broodnijd en smaad. Grote virtuele gemeenschappen hebben echter een zelfreinigend vermogen. Deelnemers hebben snel door wanneer recensies ten onrechte overdreven positief of negatief zijn. In de nabije toekomst vormt mobiel internet een aantrekkelijk kanaal om consumenten ter plaatse toeristische informatie te verstrekken.
zondag 9 december 2007
The state of Enterprise 2.0
The state of Enterprise 2.0 by ZDNet's Dion Hinchcliffe -- Industry analysts, CIOs, and business leaders around the world are continuing to try to read the industry tea leaves in 2007 when it comes to the subject of Enterprise 2.0, the increasingly popular discussion of using Web 2.0 platforms in the workplace. The primary topic of interest? Whether Enterprise 2.0 brings real bang for the buck by making the daily work of organizations measurably more productive, efficient, and innovative. Investors and executives are just not going to make significant bets on Enterprise 2.0 in terms of resources and risk exposure without good information on the likely returns of implementation.
The 10 top challenges facing enterprise mashups
The 10 top challenges facing enterprise mashups by ZDNet's Dion Hinchcliffe -- The promise of remixing existing online services and data into entirely new online applications in a rapid, inexpensive manner, often referred to as mashups, has captured the software industry's imagination since the release of first major example,, in early 2005. Since then, mashups have offered the potential to finally make widespread software reuse a reality, enable SOA initiatives to achieve positive ROI, and radically drive down the cost of application development while satisfying large applications backlogs that plague organizations almost everywhere.
Tuning Up Site Search - IA Summit 2007
From: ChrisFarnum, 8 months ago
Site search for portals, intranets, e-commerce, and e-service sites often fails to deliver the results that users expect. If your search system isn’t delivering on these high expectations, an important question to ask is what (if anything) has been done to configure and optimize your site search tool. Given the fact that many organizations have already made a big investment in purchasing a search engine, it makes sense to explore ways to tune up your search engine before sending it to the digital scrap heap.
If you are new to the area of site search and facing the challenge of how to rescue your site’s users from a frustrating search experience, this presentation will provide you with effective strategies, starting points and examples. It will also include opportunities for incorporating user testing and search analytics into the process of improving search. The strategies covered will range from the low-hanging fruit (taking better advantage of existing features) to the more robust solutions, which are possible when you have the option of customizing your search engine.
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Enterprise Information Architecture
Enterprise Information Architecture: Because users don't care about your org chart
From: lrosenfeld, 1 year ago
Lou Rosenfeld's day-long seminar on enterprise information architecture. (Updated September 2007.)
For more information on the seminar, visit
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Microsoft Enterprise Search
From: Frankwatching, 1 month ago
Het Portal Event, 1 november 2007, Amstelveen, Hans van der Meer, Microsoft
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Enterprise Search from Microsoft
From: Frankwatching, 7 months ago
Portal event 8 mei 2007, Amstelveen
Hans van der Meer, Audience Manager Microsoft The Netherlands
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The Potential of Enterprise 2.0
From: rossdawson, 6 days ago
Slides for the opening keynote presentation by Ross Dawson at Enterprise 2.0 conference, Sydney, 3 December 2008
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Social Media
From: wah17, 8 months ago
A Literature Review on Social Media. A compilation of social media thoughts from the experts point of view. Produced by Alex Wong from Charles ... less Sturt Uni, Australia. Can be contacted via email
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